From our Amazon USA Store (PANNIVERSE)

You may have searched for NovaPans Handpans on Amazon US and come across PANNIVERSE - what is that!? This is in fact our official name on Amazon as it was the only name we could trademark and use for launching at the time.

Visit our Amazon US Store

From our Etsy Global Store

Etsy is where NovaPans Handpans all started. We began in 2016 when the only handpans you could still purchase either expected you to wait in waiting lists for months (sometimes years), pay over $3000, and not have any guaranteed returns policy. We looked at that and decided to change all of it! Now, along with thousands of others who have now purchases from us, we have gone on to create something which has been a whole lot more representative of the whole-hearted, sharing and loving nature that the handpan instrument is all about.

Visit our Etsy Store